Annual Report

Reflections on 2023

Press On came into existence six years ago to challenge
the status quo that mainstream media upholds. We
believe that ethical journalism – movement journalism
– challenges oppression and advances liberation. Press
On prioritizes the voices of Southern Black, brown, trans,
queer, immigrant, working-class, incarcerated, and
disabled people as the expert media makers of their own

In 2023, we faced an onslaught of attacks on diversity,
equity, and inclusion initiatives, Critical Race Theory,
trans and queer communities, reproductive rights, the
environment, and in the last three months, we saw how
the genocide in Gaza has unfolded.

What we saw as a response were millions of people in
the streets, in legislative buildings, in school board
meetings, and locked to construction cranes. By their
side, and in solidarity, we saw movement journalists
document these social justice fights to get accurate
information out to the communities who need it most.
Press On works to resource and strengthen organizers
and media makers as they shift narratives, ideologies,
and reshape the field of journalism.

We deeply resonate with murdered Palestinian poet
Refaat Alareer’s quote, “If I must die, you must live, to tell
my story,” as guidance in this work.

– In solidarity, Nadeen, coral & Neesha

Read the annual report below or download a PDF here.